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This is a graph based on regularly updated data from Johns Hopkins University. We compiled the data of all EEA states for one common "Europe" chart to show the situation we are facing alltogether. But you can also chose to single out and compare the situation of different countries.
One page shows deaths from Covid 19 - a country appears when it has recorded ten deaths. The next page shows confirmed cases of the virus. Europe is defined as the EEA and includes the UK.
Our work of this visualisation has been inspired by John Burn-Murdoch's graphs for the FT (
If you have sugesstions for improvement: send a mail to moldenhauer at investigate minus
Double click on ‘Trend’ or ‘Europe’ or a country name like ‘Italy’ or ‘Germany’ in the list on the right side of the graph. This will make only the selected line of data appear on the screen. You can then single click on another item in the legend to bring up another line of data. Add as many as you like in order to compare them.
You can also zoom in order to examine particular moments e.g. the first day of the outbreak in Europe. Zoom in using the + key in the tool bar, or by clicking + and then highlighting an area using the cursor. Autoscale in the tool bar will return the screen to normal.
last update: 2022-10-20 18:10:15
Code and concept by IE's Oliver Moldenhauer
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